BJP criticizes Kejriwal government’s new liquor policy

Meenakshi Lekhi says, “The Delhi government has not opened any new ration shops nor issued new ration cards, but is opening liquor shops across the city.

Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government Union Minister Meenakshi Lekhi on Wednesday, December 22, 2021 claimed that Delhi has failed to open new ration shops but has started opening liquor shops across the city.

Participation in Signature campaign of Delhi BJP Against the new excise policy of the Arvind Kejriwal government, the New Delhi MP said that allowing private parties to open liquor shops will affect the revenue of the city government.

Ms. Lekhi told reporters, “The Kejriwal government has not opened any new ration shops or issued new ration cards, but is opening liquor shops all over the city. It will have a detrimental effect as the families of the victims of alcoholism. will break.” ,

Delhi BJP president Adesh Gupta said that his party workers have been opposing the excise policy of the AAP government for weeks and will not rest till it is withdrawn.

“People of Delhi are unhappy with this policy of opening 850 liquor shops across the city on the pretext of equitable distribution. Is there any need for it. Why doesn’t the Kejriwal government work for equitable distribution of water, improving health and education, And instead cleaning the Yamuna river,” Mr. Gupta said.

He said that the campaign led by the Mahila Morcha of the BJP will see the signatures of 15 lakh people in the coming eight to 10 days.

Mr. Gupta said that the list of signatures would be submitted to the President of India, requesting him to intervene to withdraw the Excise policy of the Delhi Government.
