BJP dictatorial and opportunistic: Uddhav Thackeray

Wherever there was a strong opposition party, people were voting against BJP and in the days to come, BJP may resort to communal polarization to regain its lost ground. Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Uddhav Thackeray Said. in his first media interview After a recent Supreme Court judgment that upheld the direction of the Governor of Maharashtra A floor test of his government was illegitimate in June 2022, with the former chief minister saying “people were shocked that an illegitimate government” was now in power. Mr Thackeray resigned before the floor test, and a breakaway group of the Shiv Sena and the BJP formed a government under Eknath Shinde, who succeeded him as CM.

In a free-flowing conversation at his residence ‘Matoshree’, Mr Thackeray accused his former ally, the BJP, of being dictatorial and opportunistic on questions of Hindutva. He said slavery was the same, no matter who the master was – “the British or the BJP.” However, when he was asked if he could again partner with the BJP, he avoided giving a direct answer. This question should be asked to BJP. Why did he push me away?” They said. In response to another question, he said, “I did not need to go with the Congress, but they [the BJP] I was pushed.”

Strongly defending its current alliance with the Congress and the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) as part of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) alliance, the Shiv Sena leader said more regional parties are coming together to oust the BJP from power. . Mr Thackeray said he would ensure that the seat-sharing in Maharashtra is done smoothly.

Differentiating between his definition of Hindutva and that of the BJP, the Shiv Sena leader said he would not ignore communal rivalry. According to him, Hindutva is about patriotism, and has no religious meaning. “A soldier named Aurangzeb was martyred in Kashmir. It doesn’t matter whether he was a Muslim or not because he fought and died for our country, our motherland,” he said, accusing the BJP of lynching in the name of cow protection at one place and beef condemnation at another.

Uddhav Balasaheb Thackeray is fighting to save the legacy of his father who founded the Shiv Sena. In June 2022, Mr. Thackeray resigned as the Chief Minister of Maharashtra rather than face the floor test as directed by the Governor. In his first interview after the recent Supreme Court ruling invalidating the Maharashtra Governor’s decision, Mr Thackeray spoke on a range of national and regional political issues. Edited excerpts.

Do you regret that you resigned as chief minister last year instead of facing the floor test? If you had faced the floor test, SC could have reinstated you…

A. The decision depends on how you look at it. People are surprised that despite being illegal, this government (led by Eknath Shinde, who broke away from Mr. Thackeray) is still in power. There are two or three aspects here. We first filed a petition to disqualify 16 MLAs and later 22. According to the verdict, he will have to be disqualified. Along with this, the court has also said that the entire process of how the government was formed was illegal. And we also approached the Supreme Court for the name and symbol of the party. The Court has clearly stated that the legitimacy of a party cannot be determined by the number of MLAs and MPs, but by the party’s structure and constitution. This was our demand. For two-three months, the Election Commission of India (EC) cornered us saying that they will decide the case on the basis of numbers, MLAs, MPs etc. We sent them a list of over 20 lakh members and affidavits. To support our claim of our office bearers. Taking all precautions, we have sent all the documents to Delhi by train. In spite of everything, the Election Commission ruled that the party belonged to him. [the Shinde faction] Because 40 MLAs are with him. It is wrong. This has never happened and should not happen in the future as well. The Election Commission can register the party and allot the symbol, but it cannot decide the name of one’s party. They cannot give the name of my party to others. we didn’t name [Shiv Sena] after asking them. My father named it. That’s why the decision of the Election Commission was wrong.

The Election Commission should know what its rights are. It once disenfranchised my father and other leaders for speeches [in late 1980s], My father campaigned on issues like Ram Mandir and Babri Masjid. But now the Prime Minister is campaigning by saying Jai bajarangabalee, So did the Election Commission change the rules or are they selective? This should be a big issue. Is the PM allowed to do what he wants? Will EC take self motivation Cognizance against PM? The rules should be equal for all.

Are you expecting to get back the name of Shiv Sena after the Supreme Court verdict?

The matter is pending in the Supreme Court. I think the verdict will be pronounced after the summer vacations.

What is your analysis of Karnataka elections and its impact on national politics?

The people of Karnataka have voted based on the ground reality. Somebody said ‘ good days will come, [good days will come], He talked about rising prices, unemployment etc. They are completing nine years in power… enough time to make a difference. If the media questions them on such issues, they will stop their business by targeting them. [Union Home Minister] Amit Shah said that Karnataka would see communal riots if the Congress came to power. What does it mean? When I was the Chief Minister, I prevented communal riots even during the difficult times of CAA and NRC. I did not allow communal riots to happen in my Maharashtra. Communal riots did not happen even during the COVID-19 lockdown when I closed all religious places. People were listening to me because I never spoke against anyone. Presently Manipur is burning. Why have the riots increased suddenly? Even Satyapal Malik explained in detail about Pulwama. I am afraid they will now use communal rhetoric to win elections… The tradition of Muslims offering prayers at the Trimbakeshwar temple in Nashik is being turned into a controversy. It was communal harmony. You (BJP) first decide whether you want to do Hindu-Muslim politics or patriotism. we are against deshdrohisTraitors, it doesn’t matter whether they are Hindu or Muslim. A soldier named Aurangzeb was martyred in Kashmir. It doesn’t matter that he was a Muslim because he fought and died for our country, our motherland. The terrorists did not see whether he was a Muslim or not. They knew that he was an Indian and killed him. what is yours [BJP] Hindutva? hanging out with cow urine Your Hindutva?

What do you expect to happen in the 2024 general election?

depends on. If we look region-wise, the mood of the people varies between the elections to the Parliament and the Assembly. But wherever there are strong alternatives, people choose them. If a regional party is strong then people vote for it, otherwise the Congress.

So according to you people are also looking for alternatives and are ready to vote if there is one?

Yes. did we ever imagine [Arvind] Kejriwal becoming the Chief Minister? This is now his third term. Even I never thought he would do this, but his party is on the rise. Punjab now has their chief minister. In Karnataka too, the Congress had won a landslide victory.

But, Maharashtra is a very unique experiment. 10 years back no one would have imagined Congress, Shiv Sena and NCP coming together.

I had no need to go with the Congress, but they [BJP] I was pushed. Their policy is ‘use and throw’. Look, now they’ve changed [Kiren] Rijiju. I remember attending a meeting of the NDA many years ago. Members of more than 30 parties participated in it. [Union Minister Nitin] Gadkari Yes Was sitting next to me and I asked him why some parties don’t even have MPs but are attending the meeting. They told me that they were part of the NDA. All that was in the past.

Will you ever join hands with BJP again?

Forget about my going with BJP or not. First, why did he push me? You should ask this question to BJP.

Do you think Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) is good for Maharashtra?

Many more parties are coming together… a few days ago [Bihar CM] Nitish Kumar and Mr. Kejriwal were here. [Telangana CM] Of. Chandrasekhar Rao was here, and we met [West Bengal CM] Mamata Banerjee , [Jharkhand CM] Hemant Soren. we are ready to make any [PM]but will not tolerate this dictatorship [of BJP government]… everyone is trying [to defeat BJP in 2024 election] And we hope to be successful.

What is your definition of Hindutva?

Not mine but my grandfather always used to say that his Hindutva is not about sports shendi-janeu [tuft of hair at the back of the head specifically kept by Vaishnavas and Brahmanas’ sacred thread], My father used to say that I don’t want a Hindu who rings the temple bell, but a Hindu who can beat up traitors/traitors. That is, our Hindutva was associated with patriotism and harmony between religions. Using religion for power is not my version of Hindutva.

What will be your election strategy?

(Laughs) Can I go over it now? you will see it…

According to some reports the MVA is wavering..?

Everything is fine in MVA right now. But yes, in coming days I expect BJP will try to harm us…

What can BJP do?

They will take some steps to recover from the failures. I fear communal tension. It will come with sugar-coated schemes or sugar-coated words… Raise emotional issues. I want to say one thing… I am not against Modi YesI am against his working style…Modi Yes There is a person…we have to fight against their dictatorship…otherwise the sacrifice of freedom fighters goes in vain…slavery is slavery…either under British or under BJP. Our only agenda is to save democracy and the Constitution. Our job is to save and save Mother India from slavery.

Those Shiv Sainiks (including MLAs and MPs in the Shinde camp) who deserted you, are they in touch with you again?

(Laughter) Even if they do, why should I disclose it? but they [BJP] Doing vendetta politics. People leave a party and come back to it, such things happen in politics.. But, now these people are troubling my poor people, which is wrong.

What is common between Congress and Shiv Sena?

What was common between us and BJP? Our Hindutva idea was different from theirs. We came together for Hindutva, but the way they are taking it forward… Mob lynching is happening in the name of protecting cows… Gaumata needs protection but not our mother? Women are insecure but they are behind cow protection. Whereas BJP says that people can eat beef in Tripura… mob lynching for cows in one state, people eat beef openly in another. So, what exactly is his definition of Hindutva? What wrong did I do by forging an alliance with the Congress?

Do you expect seat-sharing trouble with the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) and the Congress for the Lok Sabha elections?

We have mutual understanding. We will solve any problems that may arise. I will ensure that there is no problem in the distribution of seats.

So you and others will have to compromise on some seats?

It is not a question of agreement. We must accept the reality and move forward. Our aim is to win and secure not only Maharashtra but the entire country… Democracy must survive, and we must protect the Constitution drafted by Dr. BR Ambedkar. Was its lifespan only 75 years?