bjp leader pragya thakur tests kovid positive

Last year, Pragya Singh Thakur had said that cow urine extract provides protection against lung infections and coronavirus.

Last year, Pragya Singh Thakur had said that cow urine extract provides protection against lung infections and coronavirus.

BJP leader and Bhopal MP Sadhvi Pragya Singh Thakur has tested COVID positive.

“Today, my corona report has come positive. I am under the care of doctors. All the people who came in contact with me in the last 2 days are urged to remain alert and also get tested if necessary. Praying to God Your health,” she tweeted.

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Last year, Pragya Singh Thakur had said that cow urine extract provides protection against lung infections and coronavirus. He said that: “‘Cow urine box’ Desi cow’s (cow urine extract) keeps us away from lung infection. I’m in a lot of trouble (health issues) but I take it ‘Cow urine box’ Everyday. After this I should not take any other medicine for coronavirus. I am not affected by coronavirus infection.

Pragya Singh Thakur has long been an advocate of ‘health benefits of cow urine’. In 2019, in an interview with India Today TV, he said that the biggest health benefit was that Consumption of cow urine helped cure his cancer, The BJP leader from Bhopal, who is an accused in the 2008 Malegaon blast case, is a breast cancer survivor. “I was a cancer patient and I cured myself by consuming it cow currency (cow urine) and Panchagavya-mixed Ayurvedic herbs,” she had said.

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