BJP’s DMK MP Tiruchi Siva’s son says that true workers are ignored in the party

DMK’s Publicity Secretary and Rajya Sabha MP Tiruchi N. Siva’s son Surya Shiva on Sunday said he is joining the BJP and alleged that the DMK is no longer a party of Tamils ​​and there is no place in the party for “committed and sincere workers”. ,

Before joining BJP Mr. Surya told Hindu The committed cadre was the biggest strength of the DMK as they walked the party shoulder to shoulder even in times of crisis. But the DMK leadership betrayed many of them, he claimed. “I have worked tirelessly for more than 15 years to strengthen the party from the grassroots level,” he said. But there is no recognition,” he said.

According to him, only newcomers were being recognized, who were in the habit of going from party to party and had good financial background. He felt that in BJP, irrespective of caste and community, every person is being given due recognition and has a bright future in the state politics.

On the personal front, he claimed that his father had refused to approve his marriage to a Christian woman a decade ago.