Book collection of late historian donated to CU

The family members of the late historian M. Gangadharan have donated a special personal collection of books and historical documents kept by the renowned historian to the University of Calicut. The University authorities received the unique collection with a promise to make it available on their digital archives for the future generation of researchers and learners.

Vice-Chancellor MK Jayaraj on Wednesday visited the late historian’s house at Parappanagadi to receive the collection from Dr Gangadharan’s wife Yamuna Devi. The Department of History in the University will be responsible for the safe custody of documents and books.

Researchers who maintain close contact with the historian said that most of the books and documents submitted to the university were related to the Malabar rebellion. He said it contained rare manuscripts of various interviews and statements of those who participated in the rebellion.

Head of the Department of History VV Haridas, former Head of the Department K Gopalan Kutty, Director of Academic Quality Assurance Committee P. Sivadasan and family members of the late historian were present during the exchange of collections with the University officials.