Borderline diabetes, know the signs and symptoms

Since diabetes is related to a bad lifestyle, one should correct his unhealthy life pattern.

According to the WHO report, more than 80 million people in India are suffering from diabetes.

Diabetes is a chronic disease which is increasing at an alarming rate. according to data from World According to the World Health Organization, more than 42.2 million people in the world are suffering from diabetes. Of these, 17 percent of diabetes patients are from India, that is, more than 8 crore people are in India. India are afflicted with disease. According to studies, India will have 13.5 crore people with diabetes by the year 2045 – that is why we are called the diabetes capital of the world.

One of the major reasons for type-2 diabetes is poor lifestyle and wrong eating habits. A blood sugar test is advised to check the symptoms of diabetes. While doing the test sometimes it is found in normal people that fasting blood sugar ie empty stomach sugar level goes beyond 125, but the Hb1ac test remains normal, so is it a symptom of pre-diabetic condition or a sign of diabetes Is? To solve this question, News18 spoke to renowned endocrinologist Dr. Paras Agarwal.

First check the sugar level on an empty stomach:

Dr. Paras Agarwal, consultant endocrinologist and diabetes expert at Max Healthcare Gurgaon suggests, ‘First of all we need to check whether the fasting sugar test is correct or not. Sometimes the test is not accurate. There can be many reasons for this. For example, sleeping less, exercising, skipping morning tests, etc. So it is advisable to get the sugar test done at least once or twice to get an accurate reading and if still the fasting blood sugar level crosses 125, then it may be a sign of pre-diabetic or borderline diabetes “

When Fasting Sugar Levels Are Really High

Dr. Paras Aggarwal said, “If you have done fasting blood sugar test in the morning and the reading is more than 125 but Hb1ac is still normal then we should consider fasting blood sugar as correct. Get the readings checked. If the postprandial sugar test also increases, which is more than 160, then it is a pre-diabetic condition. However, if the report of metabolic memory test ie Hb1ac is normal, then you do not need to worry. But if there is a family history of diabetes, then you should be alert as your sugar level is on the borderline and you may develop diabetes in future.”

How to stop diabetes at the borderline

Dr. Paras Aggarwal suggests that if a person is suffering from borderline diabetes, he/she should follow a proper fitness routine. Since diabetes is related to a bad lifestyle, one should correct his unhealthy life pattern. Do exercise and yoga daily, do not take much stress, engage yourself in day to day activities and take healthy and nutritious diet.

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