Boris Johnson: British Prime Minister Boris Johnson wins a no-confidence vote but faces massive Tory rebellion. World News – Times of India

London: Preventing a leadership contest from starting, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Boris johnson His leadership won a trust vote on Monday, seeing as his party attempted to oust him by rebels.
211 (59 percent) of Conservative Party lawmakers voted for Johnson, while 148 (41 percent) voted against him as party leader. All 359 Conservative MPs voted in a secret ballot, which took place in Westminster at 6 pm local time on Monday. Sir Graham Brady, who heads the 1922 committee that represents Conservative backbenchers, read the results at 9 p.m. local time.
“The Parliamentary Party has confidence in Boris Johnson,” he said in loud cheers and banging the table.

At least 180 lawmakers needed to vote that they did not trust Johnson to be forcibly ousted. But the Tory rebels had less than 32 MPs to topple the PM. However, the scale of the vote against his leadership was higher than expected, reflecting deep discontent among a significant section of Conservative MPs.
Conservative MP Andrew Bridghan told TOI: “The cabinet must now tell Mr Johnson that the game is over.”
Johnson’s result was worse than that of former PM Theresa May, who won a trust vote under her leadership in December 2018, by 200 votes (63 per cent) to 117 (37 per cent). He was kicked out within six months.
Johnson was opposed in proportion to her MPs as Margaret Thatcher in 1990, when she won 204 votes (55 percent) to Michael Heseltine’s 152 (41 percent). Two days later he announced his resignation.
But Johnson appeared unimpressed by the scale of the rebellion, seeing the outcome as a “firm, decisive, good and decisive outcome” that would allow him to draw a line under the Downing Street lockdown party scandal and move forward with the government agenda.
“It means that as a government we can go ahead and focus on the things that really matter to the people,” he said, branding the focus on PartyGate as a “media obsession.” Told.
Now, he said, the government can focus on helping people with cost of living, clearing the Covid backlog, making roads safer and united, raising standards and strengthening the economy.
“I think it’s a good result. When I first became leader of the Conservative Party in 2019, I didn’t get anything like this support ParliamentHe said, referring to the 2019 leadership’s election victory, when he garnered 160 votes — 51 percent — from 312 Tory lawmakers.
“We are going to bash on. We have a big agenda and we are going to deliver it. What matters is what we do and what we do and as a result of this party decision, we have come to that conclusion Which has been going on for a very long time,” he said.
News channel BBC, however, Conservative MP. in reference to roger galley Having said that it is very bad for the reputation of the PM. He said, “I did not expect more than a third of the parliamentary party to express disbelief in the PM. This is seriously damaging to the PM and his reputation. I would be surprised if he still has numbers by the end of autumn.” It’s in 10. I think the PM will have to go back to Downing Street and consider very carefully where he goes from here.
Britain’s PM wrote a letter to every Tory MP on Monday, seeking their support. He made a speech to the 1922 committee two hours before the vote, in which he said that if they “get into some pointless fraternal-murder debate about the future of our party”, they would hand over the key to Labor . According to some of the MPs who attended the private meeting, he also said that he would “do it again” with regards to employees attending farewell programs during the lockdown.
Under the current rules, he cannot face another leadership challenge for 12 months. But question marks remain on the future of his prime ministership. The Parliamentary Privileges Committee reports whether they misled the House on Downing Street parties expected in the autumn during lockdown and see the Tories suffer a catastrophic defeat in by-elections in Wakefield and Tiverton and Honiton on 23 June may fall.
But the cabinet minister of Indian origin Rishi SunkiSuella Braverman and Alok Sharma said before the vote that they trust Johnson.
Sunak had tweeted: “From the vaccine rollout to our response to Russian aggression, the PM has shown strong leadership to our nation. I am supporting him today and will continue to support him as we focus on growing the economy.” Let’s deal with the cost. Live and clear the Covid backlog.”
After the vote, Leader of the Opposition Sir Keir Starmer said that the Conservative Party now believed that the British public had no right to expect honest politicians.
Shadow’s foreign secretary, David Lamy, told the BBC: “Boris Johnson is now walking injured and the Conservative Party really needs to get rid of him. We need someone in office whom the British people can trust. He’s lethal. seriously injured, he is lame but he is seriously injured.”
watch UK PM Boris Johnson survives no-confidence motion