Boris Johnson may face leadership challenge this week – Times of India

London: Officer in the British Prime Minister boris johnsonThe Sunday Times newspaper reported that the ruling Conservative Party is expecting a challenge to his leadership this week and has voted for Wednesday.
A growing number of Conservative lawmakers have said they have lost confidence in Johnson’s government over the “Partygate” scandal, with some saying they have submitted letters to officially call for a trust vote in their leader.
At least 54 Conservative members of parliament are required to formally request a trust vote to the chairman of the party’s 1922 committee in order to trigger one. Letters are confidential so only the chairman of the committee knows how many have been submitted.
So far more than 25 MLAs have made their letters public and the Times said party officials and rebel MPs believe they are close to the threshold of 54, one that believes significant numbers have already been passed. Gone.
“The executives of the 1922 executive have already fixed Wednesday as the day of the leadership vote,” the paper reported.
Johnson’s Conservatives are defending two parliamentary seats in by-elections later this month after incumbent lawmakers were forced to resign – one for viewing pornography in parliament and the other after pleading guilty to sexually assaulting a boy. Afterwards.
A poll for the paper found that the opposition Labor Party was ahead of the Conservatives by 20 points in one of these.
Asked whether there would be a vote of confidence in Johnson this week, Transport Minister Grant Shapps told BBC TV: “No, I don’t”, adding that governments often faced poor turnout in the mid-term.
He said Johnson would win any vote.
Johnson has repeatedly apologized for his conduct after an official report found that both he and Downing Street officials broke stringent laws his government enacted during the pandemic to lock down alcohol-fueled gatherings. Held at altitude.
The public scoffed at her arrival at the Thanksgiving ceremony for Queen Elizabeth on Friday.
Johnson has said he will not resign because the government faces too many challenges and will not be responsible for going away.