Brazil storm toll rises to 186 in a week – Times of India

RIO DE JANEIRO: The death toll from flash floods and landslides in the Brazilian city of Petropolis has risen to 186.
Since the storm, rescue workers have been searching for victims, digging through mud and debris left behind by devastating landslides that mainly affected poor mountain communities.
The number of missing people currently stands at 69, a figure that is falling as the bodies of the victims are identified and families separated in the initial chaos are reunited.
Police said 33 children were among those killed in the February 15 floods, which swept away a month’s worth of rain in the southeastern city in several hours.
More than 850 people who lost their homes or had to be evacuated are still being held in emergency shelters.
Officials are doing a massive clean-up Proceeding To clear mud, debris and stranded vehicles scattered around Petropolis, the picturesque city of 300,000 people, which was the 19th-century summer capital of the Kingdom of Brazil.
At least 236 people have died in the last three months. storm In Brazil,
Experts say the violent rains are made worse by climate change.
