Breaking Down Assisted Reproductive Techniques and Family Connections – News18

The child has the DNAs of three people, the parents and another woman.

Dr. Y. Swapna, Fertility Consultant, Nova IVF Fertility debunks the myths surrounding assisted reproductive techniques

Assisted Reproductive Techniques (ART), such as in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy, have revolutionized the way many couples and individuals can build their families. However, myths and misconceptions continue to persist about how these methods may impact the bond between parents and their children.

Myth: One common misconception is that ART may somehow affects the bond between parents and their children. This myth may stem from concerns about biological connections, the role of genetics, or the way a child is conceived. However, it’s crucial to dispel this notion by looking at the scientific and emotional aspects of parenting.


  1. It is a fundamental misunderstanding of what forms the basis of a parent-child bond. Biology certainly plays a role in creating a genetic connection between parents and children, but it’s just one aspect of a much deeper and complex emotional connection.
  2. Parents who choose ART are often individuals or couples who are deeply committed to the journey of parenthood. Their emotional investment, desire to nurture and provide for a child, and the love they have to offer are just as profound and meaningful as in any other family. The act of raising a child, and providing care, love, and support is what truly forges the unbreakable bond between parents and their children.
  3. While genetics are important, they are not the sole factor in determining the strength of the parent-child bond. Many families who use ART still have a biological connection to their child, as one or both parents may contribute their genetic material. However, even in cases where donated genetic material is involved, the emotional and psychological connection between parents and children remains as strong as in any other family.
  4. The day-to-day experiences of parenting, from the first steps to the late-night feedings, are what truly shape the parent-child relationship. These moments create memories, build trust, and foster a sense of security for the child. Regardless of the method of conception, the nurturing, love, and care that parents provide are the cornerstones of a strong parent-child bond.
  5. It’s essential to recognize that families come in all shapes and sizes. Parenthood is not solely defined by biological connections but by the love and dedication parents have for their children. Families created through ART are as diverse and loving as any other.

In the end, the myth that ART may impact the bond between parents and their children simply doesn’t hold up to scrutiny. The love between parents and their children is a profound and enduring force that transcends the method of conception.