Bridging the gulf in search of a strong BIMSTEC

The group has potential as a natural platform for development cooperation in the rapidly changing Indo-Pacific region

The group has potential as a natural platform for development cooperation in the rapidly changing Indo-Pacific region

Sri Lanka is gearing up to host the fifth Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) summit, which is now in its silver jubilee year (the summit will be held in virtual/hybrid mode on 30 March). being held, and Sri Lanka is the current BIMSTEC Chair). This special occasion makes it imperative for BIMSTEC leaders to reinforce their commitments and efforts in building momentum of cooperation in the Bay of Bengal region for the security and development of all.

The summit is expected to build the necessary momentum of cooperation among the member countries – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka and Thailand – as there has been commendable teamwork between them and several agreements to enhance regional strategic and has been finalized. economic integration. The unique ecology of BIMSTEC is seeing rich political support and commitment from India.

Undoubtedly, BIMSTEC has a special significance for India in the changing mental map of the region. India has made the Bay of Bengal an integral part of India’s ‘Neighbourhood First’ and ‘Act East’ policies which can accelerate the process of regional integration. BIMSTEC matters to India and the region.

area of ​​importance

Finalization of BIMSTEC Charter; BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity; BIMSTEC Convention on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters; BIMSTEC Technology Transfer Facility (TTF); cooperation between diplomatic academies/training institutions; And a template of the Memorandum of Association for the future setting up of BIMSTEC centres/institutions presents a sign of optimism as well as the return of the Bay of Bengal as a new economic and strategic location.

Moreover, with the re-emergence of the idea of ​​an ‘Indo-Pacific’ region, the economic and strategic importance of the Bay of Bengal is increasing rapidly. This belief recognizes that the growing economic, geopolitical and security ties between the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean regions are creating a shared strategic space. The Bay of Bengal is again developing as the center of the Indo-Pacific region. The renewed focus has given a new lease of life to the developmental efforts in the region, especially in BIMSTEC.

As the BIMSTEC process turns 25, it is set to make clear progress by advancing concerted cooperation among member states. He has invested some new energy over the years to make BIMSTEC a valuable institution for regional integration and cooperation.

a bridge between asia

As a natural platform for development cooperation in the rapidly changing geopolitical computation, BIMSTEC has enormous potential and can leverage its unique position as a pivot in the Indo-Pacific region. Substantial progress has been made in BIMSTEC cooperation in several areas including security, counter-terrorism, intelligence sharing, cyber security and coastal security, and transport connectivity and tourism.

The growing value of BIMSTEC and its effort to create synergy through collective efforts by member states can be understood for three main reasons. First, the ability of BIMSTEC to foster deeper cooperation in the region is increasingly appreciated because of its geographical proximity, abundant natural and human resources, and rich historical links and cultural heritage. Indeed, with a changed narrative and outlook, the Bay of Bengal has the potential to become the center of Indo-Pacific thought – a place where the strategic interests of the major powers of East and South Asia intersect. The political support and strong commitment of all member states is crucial in making BIMSTEC a dynamic and effective regional organization.

need for connectivity

Second, BIMSTEC serves as a bridge between two major high-growth centers of Asia – South and Southeast Asia. Connectivity is essential for developing a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable region of the Bay of Bengal. Therefore, BIMSTEC needs to address two dimensions of connectivity – one, upgrading and adding national connectivity to the regional road map; and second, the development of both hard and soft infrastructure.

The BIMSTEC Master Plan for Transport Connectivity will provide the necessary boost to connectivity. There is increasing participation of academic institutions, industries and business circles through various forums and conferences which are helping to increase cooperation in the areas of education, trade and investment, information technology and communication. Resisting the temptation to make big promises, BIMSTEC leaders have focused on priority areas through a concrete action plan in time.

India’s role

Third, the BIMSTEC Secretariat coordinates, monitors and facilitates the implementation of BIMSTEC activities and programmes. The leaders must agree to strengthen the institutional capacity of the BIMSTEC Secretariat. The approval of a charter for BIMSTEC during the summit will further enhance its visibility and stature in international fora. Similarly, India has implemented its promise to set up a Center for Bay of Bengal Studies (CBS) at Nalanda University, Bihar for research on arts, culture and other subjects related to the Bay of Bengal. The pursuit of economic growth and development of the BIMSTEC region can be achieved through a single-minded focus and cooperation among the member countries. In this endeavour, India has an important role to play in accelerating regional cooperation under the BIMSTEC framework and making it vibrant, strong and result-oriented.

Rajiv Ranjan Chaturvedi is Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Center for Bay of Bengal Studies at Nalanda University, Bihar