Bright shining apple can cause serious health problems, study shows

Apple is said to be one of the most nutritious fruits. We have often heard the saying that an apple a day keeps the doctor away. However, did you know that even bright shiny apples can cause serious illness. Yes this is true. A recent study found 13 percent Candida auris in apples kept in storehouses. Candida auris is a type of fungus that grows as a yeast and can result in life-threatening diseases.

According to the study published in the Journal of the American Society for Microbiology, fungicides used to store fruit for long periods inadvertently helped spread Candida auris. To study the growth of Candida auris on the surface of apples, researchers from the University of Delhi and McMaster University, Canada, examined 62 apples from northern India. While 42 apples were picked from the market, the remaining 20 were collected directly from the orchards.

After studying them over a period, researchers found that 8 out of 62 apples showed Candida auris fungus on their surface. The study was conducted on two varieties of apple, Red Delicious and Royal Gala. The results showed that out of the eight infected apples, five were Red Delicious and three were at the Royal Gala.

According to the study, apples collected from orchards showed no symptoms of Candida auris, while apples picked from local markets developed fungus over time.

Many vendors use fungicides to increase the shelf life of fruits to kill a variety of yeasts. However, these fungicides are ineffective on Candida auris, which does not restrict its growth.

According to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Candida auris falls on the list of five pathogens that pose the most urgent threat to public health.

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