Brinda on directing ‘Thugs’, breaking stereotypes and her love for the lens

(L) Simha and Hridhu Haroon in a scene from ‘Thugs’; (R) Director Brinda | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

Known for choreographing some of the most famous film songs in multiple languages, Brinda makes her directorial debut hey sinamika Last year. Just as they worked on several duets, the film was also a cheesy rom-com.

However, it is surprising to see the promotional material of his latest film, the conReleasing this Friday. the con Turns out to be a raw, gritty film set against the backdrop of a prison. When asked the reason for such a drastic change, Brinda says on a phone call in between a break of shooting a Hindi song from Mumbai, “As a choreographer, I want a change in the songs I work on. After singing a duet, I would love to sing like ‘Aadiye’ (Kadal). so also in Ponniyin Selvan 1, the six songs were quite different from each other. i got a romance story instead the conBut it didn’t interest me much.

A scene from 'Thugs'

A still from ‘Thugs’ | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

That’s when producer Shibu Thameens approached him with the script. the con, wants to introduce his son Hridhu Haroon to the industry. “I was apprehensive initially, but after meeting Hridhu, I realized that he is a good actor. The story was also perfect for a star of his age. Rest of the cast – Simha, RK Suresh Sir and Munishkant Anna – came together quite well,” says Brinda, who wanted the film’s music to be different from her earlier venture. “We wanted Sam CS to be in charge of the music considering his different style. it doesn’t have many songs the con Because the film didn’t need him; It is similar to Surya, whose character Kakha Kakha There’s a cop, I won’t dance in this ‘uirin uire’, Just because I am a choreographer, I didn’t want to force songs into a story that didn’t demand them. I wanted to break this stereotype.

interesting, the con It is also about breaking the stereotype that all criminals are hardened criminals. “While there are criminals who knew about the consequences before committing the crime, there are others who are compelled by certain situations to get on the wrong side of the law. That idea struck a chord with me,” says Brinda, who Says that despite the tough shoot, she enjoyed the change of atmosphere. “We spoke to some real-life ex-convicts. Their back stories and what they had to go through in correctional facilities were heart-wrenching. This film in Malayalam inspired by the movie independence day (2018) and although the essence will remain, we have tried to change its tone.

A scene from 'Thugs'

A still from ‘Thugs’ | Photo Credit: Special Arrangement

trailer of the con There are shots of custodial violence too, but Brinda says there are two sides to a coin. “Irrespective of the circumstances leading to the crime, it is natural for the police to look at all culprits through the same lens. We have seen how people with power or influence have not been tortured in custody. On the other hand, what cops go through on a daily basis isn’t really a walk in the park either. We cannot blame the entire system for the mistakes of a few. Many of our lives have also been touched by good cops. Good and bad exist everywhere, which is also the theme of the film,” says Brinda. Talking about the technical aspects, she says, “We have not used zoom lenses at all and we have stuck to block lenses which helps in giving the film a raw and rustic feel. I’ve always loved cameras and initially wanted to be a camerawoman, but since my family was already into dancing, I had to do the same.”

But given the niche she has carved for herself as a choreographer, Brinda doesn’t even have time to lament about what will happen. “I am busy with a lot of Hindi films. still i am working on hindi remake with sanya malhotra The Great Indian Kitchen, what a wonderful dancer she is; It’s great to see such talent who has a passion for the craft! What more could a choreographer ask for,” says Brinda.

In Tamil, her next big film is Ponniyin Selvan 2.”He (Ponniyin Selvan 2) Tod denge saare records Mani sir, my guru, will nail it like always,” he concluded.