Bringing Kashmir issue to UN center stage ‘difficult task’: Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilwal Bhutto

Image source: AP Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto

Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto said that bringing the issue of Kashmir to the center of the United Nations is a ‘difficult task’, but the country will still try to bring it there at a press conference on the outcome of the conference and commemoration of women in Islam . Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) on the occasion of the first Islamophobia Day.

Meanwhile, Bhutto briefly addressed India as a ‘friend’ during the press conference and immediately reiterated her remarks and called India a ‘neighboring’ country during the press conference. “Whenever the issue of Kashmir is raised, our friends…….(inaudible stammer)……within neighboring countries object strongly, object vociferously,” he himself Seemed to be doing right.

He further alleged, “They (India) promote a post-fact narrative where they try to claim that it is not a dispute for the United Nations, that it is not a disputed territory recognized by the international community.” .

He accused India of insisting “contrary to facts, contrary to reality, that their annexation of Kashmir should be supported.” And on every occasion, be it at the UN Security Council or at various events, In every speech I attend or address or preside over, I try not only to point out the hypocrisy when it comes to applying it to the people of Palestine, but also to focus attention on what is happening in Kashmir. difficulties faced by the people,” he said.

India on Wednesday (March 8) slammed Pakistan for raising the issue of Jammu and Kashmir at the UN Security Council debate on women, peace and security, saying it was “malicious and false propaganda”.

Reacting to Pakistan Foreign Minister Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s remarks on Jammu and Kashmir, India’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations Ruchira Kamboj on Tuesday termed his statement as “baseless and politically motivated”.

(With inputs from ANI)

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