British dock workers latest to join strike summer – Times of India

London: Workers working at Britain’s largest container port, felixtovAn eight-day strike over wages began on Sunday, in the latest industrial crackdown as decades of high inflation intensify the country’s livelihood woes.
About 2,000 union workers, including crane drivers, machine operators and stevedores, began their walkout on Sunday morning in Felixstow, the first strike since 1989, at the port of eastern England.
It comes amid a halt in wages and working conditions in various UK industries, with railway workers being the latest to strike Thursday and Saturday this week.
Postal workers plan a four-day strike later this month, with telecommunications giant BT facing its first halt in decades, while Amazon warehouse workers, criminal lawyers and others refusing to hold a walkout.
Demand for wage hikes is driven by inflation, which soared to a 40-year high of more than 10 per cent last month, as rising food and energy prices hurt millions.
bank of england The U.S. has projected it to be above 13 percent this year, with the British economy heading into a deep and protracted recession.
global impact of war Ukraine Trade frictions are to be blamed after Brexit on energy and food prices, and, to a lesser extent, on Britain’s rising cost of living.
unite The union representing the striking Felixstowe employees said the stoppage would have a major impact at the port, which handles about four million containers a year from 2,000 ships.
The union wants wage increases at or near inflation for its members, arguing that the docks are “extremely profitable”.
“They can give Felixstow’s employees a fair wage increase,” said Unite’s general secretary. Sharon GrahamThose who added that parent company, CK Hutchison Holding Ltd., handed over nearly $100 million ($121 million) to shareholders in 2020.
The Port of Felixstow said in a statement it was “disappointed” that the walkout had gone ahead and called its proposal of an average 8 percent “reasonable” pay increase.
“The port provides safe and well-paid employment and there will be no winners from this unnecessary industrial action,” he said.