British tourist dies after being given 22 shots in 90 minutes at Polish strip club

Alcohol poisoning can occur with a blood alcohol level of 0.3 percent or higher.

A British man has died of alcohol poisoning after being given 22 shots in 90 minutes during a night out at a Polish strip club. Metro informed of. The 36-year-old victim, identified as Mark C, arrived at the Wild nightclub in Krakow with a friend, already drunk. He was in Poland as a tourist with his friend, and the pair were apparently lured into the club by being offered free entry.

According to investigators, Mark had tried to avoid overdose by trying to refuse drinks. However, the staff members persuaded him to take more shots. He was given two dozen powerful shots before he collapsed and later died. After he collapsed, club staff robbed him of 2,200 Polish zlotys (₹42,816) in cash.

According to Polish authorities, he had a blood alcohol content of at least 0.4 percent at the time of his death. Specifically, alcohol poisoning can occur with a blood alcohol level of 0.3 percent or higher.

The incident happened in 2017, but Polish police recently charged 58 people with being part of an organized crime group in connection with the tourist’s death. He also filed over 700 criminal charges against the group as they raided several nightclubs.

He said, “One of the leads examined by the investigators in the case relates to leading the victim to a state of intoxication, leading to loss of consciousness, and then death as a result of acute alcohol poisoning. Medical assistance to the man was not given.” during the event. Temporary arrests were made against people suspected of this act.