Broken piece of idol found in Gangaikondacholapuram

A small broken fragment of an idol, believed to be made of ivory, has been discovered by archaeologists at Maligaimedu near Gangaikondacholapuram, after his victorious expedition to the Gangetic plains by King Rajendra Chola I (1012–1044) was created.

The object measuring 1.8 cm in height and 1.5 cm in width was found only at a depth of 55-60 cm. The well-carved fragment of a human figure in ornamental dress suggests that it may represent a royal figure. The broken part is of the human hip and thigh. Sources in the Tamil Nadu State Archaeological Department said the object would be subject to further investigation by experts. Hindu,

Earlier this year, a broken piece of a bracelet made of gold and copper was found within weeks of the start of the second phase of excavations in February. It is widely believed that the palaces of the Chola kings existed here about 1,000 years ago.

Gangaikondacholapuram was the capital of the Cholas for about 250 years from about 1025 AD. Rajendra Chola built the Gangaikondacholesvara temple and a huge lake in the west of the city, named Cholagangam.

Excavations by the department in the 1980s revealed the medieval castle and brick structures of the city. Excavations resumed at the site last year and more of the brick structures were unearthed. Large portions of brick structures have been uncovered in many of the 19 squares that were opened this year as well. Apart from this, pieces of Chinese goods have also been found.

The second phase of the excavation is scheduled to be completed by the end of this month. The department may resume excavation at the site next year after obtaining permission from the Central Advisory Board for Archaeology.

The excavations have generated considerable interest, including tourists visiting the Brihadisvara temple at Gangaikondacholapuram, listed by UNESCO as one of the three great surviving Chola temples. Sources said that further excavations may reveal more parts of the royal structures and possibly antiquities.