Brother’s heartfelt tribute to sister suffering from cerebral palsy leaves the internet emotional

Tributes are wonderful expressions of heart to remember those who have gone through the life of their loved one but still lives in their hearts. In a heartbreaking obituary shared on Twitter, a man named Eric wrote about his sister Karen Ann Sydow in a way that has netizens tearing up. Despite people on social media not knowing about Karen before reading the obituary, she expressed that Eric’s magic words made her feel a stronger connection with her sister.

The viral photo, shared by Twitter user Daniel Miller, is from a newspaper, which displays an obituary written by Eric for his sister Karen, who suffers from cerebral palsy – a disorder that affects movement, balance and posture. and is associated with abnormal brain development. In the message titled “A Special Sister”, Eric writes, “In memory of my sister who never wanted or misunderstood ..” Eric further writes that her sister was born with cerebral palsy and “never had three Couldn’t speak more than words – 1) Mom 2) Donald’s (She loved McDonald’s) 3) Piano (She loved music).” In Karen’s photo with the obituary, she is smiling wearing a McDonald’s uniform.

Eric expressed his pain about how Covid-19 made him look beyond the routine difficult. His mother died in May 2021. On Eric’s last outing with Karen, when they stopped by the lake for a picnic lunch, Karen said, ‘Mom, mom’. Then Eric grabbed her and told her “Mom isn’t here anymore,” Karen put her head on her brother’s shoulder and cried. “Yeah she got it.” Eric wrote. “Karen, I wish I could make you laugh one more time. I needed you too,” Eric said in his message.

The obituary resonated with the hearts of many netizens and heightened the sense of personal loss. A Twitter user thanked Eric for sharing his sister with him.

The message reminded many netizens of their time with their loved ones in similar circumstances and they shared pictures of them.

A user shared another obituary written by Eric for his mother, in which he wrote that his mother kept the garden of the heart.

Eric’s magic words really make you feel for all your loved ones.

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