BSEB Bihar Board Class 12th Compartment Result 2023 Declared, 62.06% Students Qualify

The Bihar 12th compartment results were announced by BSEB Chairman Anand Kishore via a press conference at 1:30 pm (Representative image)

Students who appeared in the BSEB class 12 compartment exam for science, arts and commerce stream can now check their scores on the official website at

The Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) declared the results of the intermediate compartment Examination 2023 on May 3. Students who appeared in the class 12 compartment exam for science, arts and commerce stream can now check their scores on the official website at The Bihar 12th compartment results were announced by BSEB Chairman Anand Kishore via a press conference at 1:30 pm.

A total of 56,435 candidates registered for the Inter compartment examination this year. The compartment exam results have been declared for 56,061 students as 374 candidates were declared passed after scrutiny of the main exam results. According to an official statement, 34,792 students cleared the exam with an overall pass percentage of 62.06 per cent.

The overall pass percentage for the arts stream stands at 63.51 per cent, while for the science stream it is 60.46 per cent and for the commerce stream the pass percentage is 71.65 per cent.

In the arts stream, there were about 26,173 students who appeared for the compartment exam. Out of which 16,624 passed and the pass percentage of arts stream stands at 63.51 per cent. A total of 822 candidates sat for the commerce compartment exam – out of which 589 students passed. The pass percentage currently stands at 71.65 per cent. As per the science stream, about 29,048 students appeared for it this year. Out of which 17,564 students cleared the compartment exam. The pass percentage has been recorded at 60.46 per cent.

BSEB 12th Compartment Result: Websites to Check Results




BSEB 12th Compartment Results 2023: How to Check

Step 1: Visit BSEB’s official website at

Step 2: On the homepage, search and click on the BSEB 12th intermediate compartment exam results 2023 link.

Step 3: As a new page opens, enter your roll code and roll number in the space provided. Then click on submit.

Step 4: The BSEB 12th supplementary results 2023 will appear on the screen.

The BSEB inter-compartmental exam 2023 were held from April 26 to May 8 in two shifts. The compartmental exams were held for those students who were not successful in two subjects in the main Intermediate exam and also for those who missed the main exam in February 2023.