BSUP: Maharashtra: BJP councilors allege irregularities in BSUP projects. Thane News – Times of India

Thane: A Thane BJP The corporator has alleged irregularities in the implementation of basic services for the urban poor.BSUP) has demanded planning and thorough investigation in the city.
Councilor Mrinal pendse The issue was raised in the general body meeting last week, questioning the increased expenditure on the project while the administration has failed to build the specified quantity of flats in the last 13 years.
Based on the information received from the administration, Pendse told the House that since 2008, while 12,550 units were to be constructed in the city in phases, the corporation constructed only half the quantity at 6343, but spent about 76% more than the prescribed amount. Of.
“While it was expected that the corporation financial input should have been only Rs 315 crore for the project considering the contribution of the state and the Centre, the corporation spent more,” she said in an alleged tussle between some municipal officials and construction contractors. questioned the alliance. Construction of BSUP houses.
“The corporation has clearly failed to keep an eye on the contractors and even though the deadline for completion was five years, the project is still far from completely depriving the residents of the low economic group their right to their home,” he said. said.
Meanwhile the mayor Naresh Mhaske Ordered an inquiry into the allegations. Additional Municipal Commissioner-1, Sandeep Malvi He said that they are looking at the records and added that a full report on the issue will be submitted soon.
