Budget 2022: Task force for animation, visual effects, gaming, comic sectors

Union Budget 2022: Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on Tuesday announced the formation of a task force to recommend steps to promote the Animation, Visual Effects, Gaming and Comic (AVGC) sector.

During his budget speech, the Finance Minister said that this sector offers immense potential to provide employment to the youth.

“An AVGC Promotion Task Force will be constituted with all stakeholders to recommend ways to realize this and build domestic capacity to meet our markets and global demand,” Sitharaman said.

Jehil Thakkar, Partner and Media and Entertainment Sector, Deloitte India, said the move is expected to help India achieve its potential of two million jobs in the sector as per Deloitte’s estimates.

“These are critical skills for the growth of the metaverse and India is poised to take advantage of this ecosystem,” he said.

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