bureaucratic digital challenge

If civil servants do not use social media appropriately, their role as independent advisors is at risk

The biggest challenge for the Indian bureaucracy today is the transition from desk to digital. The shift is not limited to the transition to e-office and e-governance, but includes an organizational and bureaucratic response to the digital space, particularly the use of social media. The focus has been mainly on the former, while the latter has been largely ignored.

whether or not to use social media

There are two views on the use of social media by civil servants. While there are many, including former civil servants, who favor civil servants using social media in their official capacity, others argue that anonymity, the defining characteristic of the Indian bureaucracy, becomes compromised in the process. In fact, bureaucracy as an organizational form is incompatible with social media. While bureaucracy is characterized by hierarchies, formal relationships and standard procedures, social media is characterized by openness, transparency and flexibility.

It is true that many civil servants have become accessible to the common people and the issues of public service delivery have been resolved through the use of social media. Social media has also created a positive attitude towards an institution that has long been considered opaque and inaccessible. Social media has increased awareness among people about government policies and programmes.

But social media does more. It provides an opportunity for bureaucrats to shape public discourse and engage with the public while remaining politically neutral. At a time when the political executive tends to get only the comments or advice from bureaucrats that they want to hear, social media ensures that blind obedience is minimized and the bureaucrats serve the people.

Anonymity has been a hallmark of the Westminster bureaucracy, including in India. But there is a fundamental contradiction in remaining anonymous in general, while governance in the public is now the new normal. Furthermore, values ​​are becoming more effective than facts in public policy making. And even within the realm of public policy, both values ​​and facts are being reshaped due to fake news and systematic propaganda. In such a scenario, the bureaucracy, which is supposed to be the epitome of public values ​​and the storehouse of facts, should not be expected to rule privately.

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Social media use is gradually institutionalizing in many Westminster System-based countries. During the Brexit debate in Britain, many civil servants, while remaining politically neutral, shaped public debate through the use of social media. In India, civil servants have not considered this aspect of digital bureaucracy. Anonymity and opacity have already been reduced through the Right to Information Act 2005. But those key features remain.

accessibility and accountability

The role of social media in bureaucracy in India has taken a different direction. Social media is being used by civil servants for self-promotion. Through his featured posts and the promotion of these posts by his social media fans, civil servants create a narrative of his performance. All this is justified in the name of accessibility and accountability. There is a misconception in the public consciousness that social media is a way to reach out to civil servants and make them accountable. Social media has improved access and accountability, but it is important to note that there is a benefit to civil servants sharing the information they want and giving them the feedback they want. It is not a formal system where access and accountability are based on uniformity of treatment. Social media accountability is no substitute for institutional and citizen centric accountability. In fact, it is partly unethical to justify and use social media during office hours when some people traveling long distances are waiting outside the office.

Bureaucrats should use social media to improve public policies. If they do not use social media appropriately, their roles as independent consultants are at risk.

Zubair Nazir is Assistant Professor (Public Administration) at Jamia Millia Islamia


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