Buried teen US shooter launches video game focused on shooting targets

The US shooter did not specify which news outlet he intends to prosecute. (file)

San Francisco:

A US teen on Thursday unveiled a video game focused on shooting targets representing journalists in court after people were murdered amid unrest over police mistreatment of African-Americans.

Kyle Rittenhouse said in an online post that money raised from the sale of the game would be used to sue “left-wing media organizations” for defamation over their coverage of the 2020 case.

He did not specify which news outlet he wanted to sue, nor was it clear when the game would be available to play.

“It’s time to fight against the fake news machine,” Rittenhouse said in a video posted on Twitter.

“That’s why I’m launching the Kyle Rittenhouse fake news turkey shoot video game.”

A trailer for the game, which costs $10, shows a cartoon version of Rittenhouse destroying Rittenhouse, arcade-style, on turkey characters labeled “fake news” from the back cover.

Rittenhouse was acquitted late last year by a jury in the August 2020 shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

Rittenhouse, then 17, shot dead two white men and wounded another with his AR-15 semi-automatic rifle during riots following anti-police protests in Kenosha.

With Rittenhouse charged with murder, the jury accepted his argument that he was defending himself from assault by three men.

Rittenhouse said he had traveled from neighboring Illinois to Kenosha to help prevent damage to personal property in the riots that erupted after Kenosha police shot and paralyzed a black man, Jacob Blake.

Prior to the incident, Rittenhouse took to her Facebook page to support the police in a “Blue Lives Matter” campaign. It came in response to heavy criticism from law enforcement officials for the killings of black suspects, most notably the May 2020 killing of George Floyd in Minnesota.

(Except for the title, this story has not been edited by NDTV staff and is published from a syndicated feed.)