burnt your food? Save your food with these 5 easy tips

For someone who’s been cooking for a while, I’m very familiar with how to use ingredients, how much seasoning to mix, and can basically follow a recipe without measuring things up. . But this is not always the case. Cooking requires a lot of practice and patience. One needs to know what their dish requires and how they can improve it. However, someone can make a mistake, and the recipe may not be what they want. And one of the biggest problems that new cooks usually face is food burns. Sometimes we turn the gas on high and forget. Then we don’t know how to save the food and throw it away. but not anymore! If this has happened to you too, then here are some tips that can help you save your burnt food.

(Also read: Making chili pickle? Here Are Some Chef Approved Tips and Tricks,

Here are 5 tips for saving burnt food:

1. Save Rice

Rice is one of the most common things that get burnt. First, take out the rice without burning and add some milk and bread to it. Then cook it on low flame. Before serving, take out the bread and enjoy.

2. Make the gravy well again

I guess, your gravy was not boiling, and you turned up the flame, however, it ends up burning. You cannot completely undo the burnt taste, but first turn off the gas to save the rest of the gravy. Then pour the sauce on top. You can add potatoes or a little butter to your gravy to remove the burnt taste. These ingredients usually absorb the burnt taste.


3. Burnt Cake

We all must have seen at least once while baking a crunchy and crunchy cake. To keep the shape of the cake and remove that burnt portion, simply scrape off the parts you don’t need. You can even use a grater for this!

4. Burnt Meat

Burning of meat usually happens when we put the meat on an extremely hot pan, and it becomes crusty from outside. But inside it remains raw. So when this happens, cut off that brown part and put some butter in the pan and cook again on medium to low flame.


5. Caramelize the Onions

Cooking with onions can be tricky. Sometimes it cooks very quickly and sometimes it takes time. However, while cooking, if your onion has burnt, then turn off the flame, remove the onion and add some oil to the pan. Let it warm up a bit, and throw the onions in again. Now, wait for a while and let them caramelize. Caramelized onions add depth and sweetness to your dishes.

So, the next time you overcook your dish, keep these things in mind and master the art of cooking!