Busting Backpacking Myths for Travelers

Travel allows a person to connect with nature, satisfy their sense of adventure, learn about new cultures, and escape the monotony of daily life. The way we travel and the dynamics of the industry have evolved significantly in recent years, especially for Millennials and young adults like GenZ.

Backpacking, which involves independent, budget-friendly and experiential travel, has become increasingly popular in recent years. Despite its growing popularity, there are still misconceptions about backpacking that can cause some reluctance to try it. In the past, a backpacker might be thought of as a young, scruffy guy in baggy clothes, but today, backpacking is accessible to people of all ages and backgrounds. The backpacking industry has entered the mainstream travel industry, creating a niche for budget-friendly and experiential travel. But unfortunately, there are still myths about backpacking that make the idea somewhat apprehensive. Deep Banka, Chief Operating Office, Zostel, dispels some common myths surrounding backpacking.

Myth: Backpacking is unsafe, especially for women

FactBackpacking: Backpacking is often considered an unsafe method of travel, especially for women. While it’s important to do a background check on the destination you plan to travel to, and some places may be less safe than others, regardless of your gender, backpacking is safe when done right. . Today, many women backpackers are breaking this myth and exploring new places. To put things in perspective, nearly 80% of female travelers chose the solo travel or backpacking route in 2019, and this percentage has grown further since then.

To cater to the growing number of women backpackers, players in the hospitality industry, especially backpacker hostels, are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that their valued women customers have a pleasant, safe and enjoyable stay. They offer only female dorm rooms in a safe and comfortable environment at affordable prices. So, all you have to do is take the necessary precautions by doing your research and carrying the minimum amount of valuables, knowing the destination and understanding and respecting local laws or customs.

Myth: Backpacking is solo travel that’s boring

FactBackpacking isn’t something that should be done alone. You can also do this with your friends, partner or siblings. Plus, even if you go on a solo backpacking trip, you can be sure that you’ll take home fond memories. You may even make lifelong friends along the way because backpacking gives you a chance to step out of your comfort zone and interact with individuals from different cultural backgrounds with whom you can bond over common interests.

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All of these come with a one-of-a-kind vibe, because at Backpacker Hostel, you’ll find yourself enjoying amazing sunsets with bonfires accompanied by music and dancing, communal hikes with friends, game nights, and more. At the end of the day, it is an opportunity for community engagement and for people from different cultures to interact and experience those traditions together. Even otherwise, solo traveling or backpacking can be a way to rediscover yourself, rejuvenate, and gain valuable experiences in life.

Myth: Hostels are not clean or maintained properly

Fact: One of the perks of backpacking is staying in hostels where you can meet new people and make friends, recharge yourself, and even network professionally. Today, backpacking hostels are vibrant, comfortable, clean and well-organized places that offer one-of-a-kind, memorable experiences.

In addition, most backpacker hostels offer freshly prepared food with their quaint in-house cafes, clean rooms, a variety of room types, common rooms with lots of games and books, and outdoor space, all at affordable prices. Backpacking hostels follow the ‘less is more’ philosophy while providing an incredible experience, and given that they exist in countless destinations, you can choose from a range of options. Overall, they are a safe place for the traveling community.

As Danish author Hans Christian Andersen once said, “To travel is to live,” and backpacking gives you the opportunity to do just that. It boosts the spirit of travel and is slowly emerging as the number one choice for many travelers across the globe. All you have to do is choose a destination, book your stay or transport, pack your bags and get going.

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