Calicut University: Result of 2019 batch 2nd semester UG exam likely to be further delayed

The results of the second semester undergraduate (UG) examinations of the 2019 batch at the University of Calicut are likely to be delayed further, though officials have claimed that the answer scripts without specifying false numbers are being evaluated with an aim to “speed up” the process. went.

This was in response to a recent letter by the Congress-aligned Kerala Private College Teachers Association, Senate member Lakshmi R Chandran and syndicate member P. Rasheed Ahmed, that the controller of examinations CC Babu stated that only evaluation without wrong numbering was applicable. For second semester UG exam. Mr Babu replied that the effort was to “expedite the process of publishing the results”. Evaluation of answer sheets of other courses will be done as before.

Ms Chandran and Mr Ahmed had pointed out that the credibility of the examination system was lost after the answer sheets were sent for evaluation with the original numbers assigned to the students. Though the evaluation was completed by October, the results are yet to be declared. It is learned that many answer sheets are spread in different colleges and the staff of Shiksha Bhavan are still in the process of sorting them out.

Mr Ahmed said on Sunday that the result could be delayed by another month. The university is unable to monitor to whom the answer sheets have been sent. “Wrong number of answer scripts for one semester of a UG course takes at least 10 days. During this process, many other tasks like sorting of answer sheets are also done. The university apparently wanted to save this time. But it has actually delayed the results,” he said. Mr. Ahmed informed that even after the declaration of result, re-evaluation of these answer sheets will create another problem. This would require another round of sorting and dispatch of these papers.