Can Fruit Juice Replace Whole Foods? Nutritionist Revealed

Juice is great for people who are not in the mood to eat whole fruits. People want that fresh fruit juice is one of the best ways to ensure the flow of vitamins and nutrients in the body. But, health experts suggest that you should not consume juices in place of meals. wondering why? Regular consumption of fruit juices has a direct effect on your blood sugar levels. Nutritionist Lavneet Batra said that when you drink juice as a substitute for a meal, “your blood sugar levels spike”. Not only this, the energy level also drops rapidly, which makes you feel hungry soon. The health expert explained that juice by itself is not nutritionally balanced, as it does not contain enough protein or fat.

In addition, Lovneet Batra noted that regular fruit juice consumption is also associated “with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome and obesity”.

(Also Read: Eating Fruit or Drinking Fruit Juice – Which is Better? Here’s What the Experts Say,

Fruit juice may not be a good substitute for food. photo credit: iStock

following a juice diet, You have to be cautious about the intake of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Our bodies thrive best on a balanced diet, so once a juice diet is over, it can lead to unwanted muscle loss, a low metabolism, and an unhealthy recapture of fat. Due to a juice-only diet, you may not get enough protein and fiber, which can lead to untimely and irresistible cravings. Plus, fruits and vegetables tend to be low in sodium, so be sure to sneak in your daily dose to prevent any deficiency.

As far as weight loss is concerned, juicing is a great way to start the regime but it should be followed up with a healthy diet and exercise.

Do’s and don’ts for drinking fruit juices:

  • choose from different colors fruits and vegetables to get a good mix of vitamins and minerals

  • The pulp obtained after juicing has maximum fiber so do not throw it away immediately. Fiber keeps you full for longer.

  • Prefer fresh juices over packaged products.

  • You can balance the juice by adding protein in the form of almond milk, yogurt and flaxseed, among other things.

  • Compare the calories present in fruits and vegetables and pair them.

Remember to eat a healthy balanced diet, get plenty of exercise and rest. Avoid resorting to extreme diets to stay fitter, healthier!

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.

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