Can lemon water boost eye health? See how lemon is good for your eyes

There is something very comforting about Indian beverages that unites us all. They are comforting to the soul and help you cool off on a hot summer day. And what manages to strike a chord with us every time is its extensive use of local produce and ingenious combination of flavours. He is not everything. Some of these drinks are super healthy too. The choice of ingredients, the preparation techniques and many other factors make these Indian coolers popular among health experts and fitness enthusiasts. One such drink that impresses all of us is lemonade. This soulful drink made from lemon juice, water, black salt and a sweetener not only helps you stay hydrated but also does wonders for your eyes, especially in the summer months.

How does heat damage your eyes? Why is it important to protect your eyes in summer?

Like our health and skin, our eyes also take a lot of stress during the season summer season Too. Exposure to heat and excessive sun rays can lead to various problems including the risk of cataracts, macular degeneration and dryness in the eyes. Some people also experience persistent eye irritation throughout the season. This is mainly due to the high level of pollutants in the air which makes our eyes prone to allergies. Hence, health experts recommend taking extra care of your eyes in summers to keep them safe and healthy. We agree that a good quality pair of sunglasses and eye drops do help to beat the sun’s rays, but this is only a temporary solution to your problems! Apart from these topical solutions, it is equally important to nourish yourself with healthy and nutritious foods. And this is where a glass of lemonade comes in handy.

Read also: Watch: How To Make Masala For Shikanji (Recipe Inside)

Eye care in summers: How lemon water helps in promoting eye health in summers:

1. Rich in Vitamin C:

Lemon, the hero ingredient in lemonade, is loaded with vitamin C. The nutrient is known to be packed with antioxidants that help protect the eyes from free radical damage and oxidative stress.

2. Rich in Vitamin A:

Lemon also contains vitamin A – an essential nutrient that can help with better vision. According to experts, deficiency of Vitamin A in the body can lead to partial blindness.

3. High on Lutein:

Lemon juice is also known to be high in two essential nutrients — lutein and zeaxanthin — that are known to help protect the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts.

4. Strengthen Blood Vessels:

The vitamin C in lemons may also help strengthen the blood vessels in the eyes. This further promotes blood flow to the retina, improving vision and overall eye health.

Read also: Eye Care In Summer: 8 Kitchen Ingredients For Healthy And Soothe Eyes


How to make lemonade at home:

Now that you know everything about lemon water and its contribution to summer eye care, it is time to take it a step further. We bring you three versions of delicious lemonade recipes that can be an ideal option to include in your summer diet.

Here are 3 lemonade recipes for you:

Lemon-Mint Water:

Along with lemon juice, this drink also includes mint for added goodness. All you have to do is grind together lemon slices, mint and sugar and mix it with water. And then filter while serving.

Spice Lemon Soda:

Love roadside shikanji during summers? Here we have brought you the recipe to make it at home. All you need to do is add lemon juice, black salt and some other spices in a glass, fill it with soda and savor it. You can also add some ice cubes.

Coconut Shikanji:

In this recipe, we have combined the goodness of coconut water and lemon water in one glass. it looks interesting? Mix coconut water, lime juice and a few other ingredients and drink up!

Click here For a detailed recipe on how to make lemonade in three ways.

Enjoy the drink and have a safe and healthy summer!

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your own physician for more details. NDTV does not take responsibility for this information.