Can Stress Cause Migraines in Women? trace

With these effective steps, women can effectively manage stress and fight migraines to improve their overall health and mental function.

Dr Anuradha HK, Consultant, Neurology, Aster CMI Hospital, Bangalore explains how women can reduce their risk of experiencing migraine attacks

Chronic migraine is a medical condition characterized by acute headache accompanied by throbbing pain for at least 15 days per month. These migraines can cause nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to bright light and high-decibel sounds and interfere with a person’s ability to perform daily tasks, affecting their quality of life.

While 90-95% of people suffer from severe migraines in their lifetime, the condition is more common in women than in men. Women experience 2-3 times more frequent headaches than men and their migraines occur mostly during adolescence. Since hormones play an important role in the cause of migraine; Therefore, women are more prone to it.

Chronic migraine can be caused by many factors such as lifestyle and genetic factors. Common symptoms of a migraine sufferer include blurred vision, frequent yawning and drowsiness, unilateral headache, and vomiting. These symptoms of migraine come in the form of episodic headaches.

What is the relationship between stress and migraine?

Stress is the most common cause of migraine and serves as a trigger for many individuals who complain of headaches. Factors of stress leading to migraine can be endogenous (eg, hormones) and psychological stressors such as deadline submissions at work). Menstruation in women is also a factor that causes stress. Other factors such as fasting, lack of sleep, fasting, anxiety, fear, anger, depression, dietary components like alcoholic beverages, chocolate, cheese can also aggravate migraine in women.

When the frequency of these stress-inducing factors increases, the allostatic responses responsible for maintaining a steady state for the brain become overused and deregulated. Therefore, this ‘overuse’ of the brain may functionally and structurally alter brain networks, leading to a migraine attack.

How can women manage stress and reduce their risk of experiencing migraine attacks?

Women can incorporate effective stress management practices to reduce their risk of suffering from painful migraines. These strategies include –

  1. getting enough sleep
    Getting proper sleep will increase your energy levels and make you feel less irritable and overwhelmed.
  2. Listen to music
    It helps in slowing down the pulse and heart rate which lowers the blood pressure and lowers the levels of stress hormones.
  3. Exercise
    Exercise lowers the body’s levels of stress hormones, such as adrenaline and cortisol and stimulates the production of endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural pain relievers and mood lifters.
  4. Healthy Diet
    Eating a healthy diet that includes leafy vegetables can provide essential vitamins, such as vitamin K, which can help lower stress levels, protect your arteries, and promote proper blood clotting. Is. A balanced diet also contains dietary nitrates which help lower blood pressure, reduce stiffness of the arteries and improve the function of the cells lining the blood vessels.
  5. Attention
    This is another effective technique that can help you manage stress. Meditation is essential for good sleep and helps combat the symptoms of mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

With these effective steps, women can effectively manage stress and fight migraines to improve their overall health and mental function.

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