Can women eat rice during pregnancy? yes but there’s a catch

Pregnancy is probably the most important phase of a woman’s life. A mother wishes the best for her child and focuses on choosing healthy food, which will support the growing child. Having said this, the woman should also know that what should be avoided during this time.

One such food, which is generally considered harmful during pregnancy, is rice. However, according to a report published in The Times of India, it is absolutely safe to eat rice in moderate amounts during pregnancy.

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If it is consumed in excess, it can lead to weight gain, which can eventually lead to complications in childbirth, cesarean delivery and obesity. Therefore, pregnant women can consume small portions of rice, which can be extremely beneficial for their baby.

Rice is a powerhouse of important nutrients like magnesium, which helps in cognitive development of the baby. It also supports the health of the mother.

Now some people may consider that which type of rice is beneficial for the mother? Should he go for white or brown rice? The answer to this question is that she can consume both varieties. Apart from magnesium, rice is a storehouse of nutrients like calcium, fiber, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin D. They help in boosting the overall immunity. The healthy carbs present in rice provide strength to the body.

Brown rice has an added advantage. Apart from providing these nutrients to the body, it helps to facilitate digestion and relieve constipation caused by pregnancy. Soluble fibers aid rice in this digestive process.

Along with these benefits, the low glycemic index of rice also ensures better insulin regulation. However, rice should be consumed in moderation to get this benefit.

For those who don’t know about the glycemic index, it is a measurement system that ranks foods according to their effect on a person’s blood sugar levels. There are three GI ratings:

Low: 55 or less
Medium: 56-69
High: 70 or more

Disclaimer: (The health tips shared in this article are based on common practices and common sense. Readers are advised to consult a doctor before following these at home.)

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