Can you spot the funny emoji? We’re back with a challenging optical illusion

Last Update: May 09, 2023, 10:45 IST

This image shows hand emoji in nine rows and seven columns, numbered 1 to 9 and A to G, respectively. (Credits: Instagram)

Accept this challenge to spot the one different emoji from all the other emoji in this image.

Optical illusions have the ability to trick the human brain. The “Find the Odd One” challenge is a popular brain teaser that involves finding an item that is different from the rest in a group. This type of illusion can be both fun and challenging, as it requires a keen eye for detail and the ability to quickly spot patterns and inconsistencies. It is often used as a form of entertainment and can also be a useful tool for improving cognitive skills such as visual perception and attention to detail. This can take many forms, such as finding the odd word in a sentence, finding the odd color in a series, or finding the odd shape in a group.

For this challenge, we have to find the odd-one-out emoji among them.

So take up this challenge of spotting a different emoji from all the other emojis in this image. Are you ready for this?

This image shows hand emoji in nine rows and seven columns, numbered 1 to 9 and A to G, respectively. Viewers must watch the illusion very carefully and tell which hand emoji is different from the rest.

At first glance, it may seem like all the emoji are the same, but the trick is to go through the image line by line or column by row and see the answer.

As soon as the image was uploaded to Instagram, people started posting their answers and making various guesses in the comments section.

Some said “3E” while others chose “E3”. One person said, “If you say 3E and not E3, you’re a psychopath.”

Well, people have different points of view, don’t they?

Hint: To make the challenge easier for you, we hope you catch that unique emoji – look in the third row! You got it, didn’t you?

Answer: 3E and E3. Both of these are correct and refer to the same emoji.

Optical illusions can be found in nature, art, and even everyday objects. They remind us that what we see is not always what we get and that our perception of reality is subjective and easily manipulated.

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