Canada and others say patience is running out with Iran under plane – Henry Club

Al-Muqalla: The ambassadors of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Britain and the US in Yemen on Thursday condemned the Houthi attack on the city of Marib, which triggered mass displacements and exacerbated the humanitarian crisis.

The envoys, also known as the Yemen Quad, criticized Iran-backed rebels for cross-border attacks on Saudi Arabia.

“The Quad expressed its deep concern about the ongoing Houthi attack on Marib, and stressed the need for an immediate ceasefire, especially as the fighting resulted in the large number of Yemenis displaced,” they said in a joint statement.

“Quad also condemns cross-border Houthi attacks on Saudi Arabia and targeting of civilians and economic infrastructure,” he said.

The four ambassadors praised the Yemeni government’s latest moves to restructure the central bank board and appoint a new governor.

He called on the government to accelerate economic reform policies to stabilize the Yemeni economy. “The Quad calls upon the government to advance its reform agenda, underlining the importance of transparency and accountability in the use of domestic revenue and management of external finances,” the statement said.

Meanwhile, Yemeni government troops announced on Thursday that they had repulsed several attacks by the Houthis in separate flashpoints in the south and west of the central province. The Arab coalition announced that it had carried out a series of airstrikes against Houthis positions, in which 250 militants of the Tehran-backed militia were killed.

Rashad al-Mekhlafi, a military official in Yemen’s Armed Forces Guidance Department, told Arab News from Marib on Thursday that dozens of rebel fighters were killed in heavy fighting west of al-Mashaja and al-Qasara and al-Balak al-Balak. Marib. , In the Sharqi mountain range, south of the Marib, the Houthi intensified attacks on government troops to achieve decisive success.

“The Houthi militia have been attacking our positions south of Marib continuously and aggressively for almost a week,” al-Mekhlafi said. The ultimate objective of the Houthis’ ongoing bloody assault on the city of Marib and its oil and gas fields, Marib Province. “Many (Houthi) fighter battalions were killed in the fighting in Marib,” he said.

This week’s fighting is centered on a range of mountains south of Marib, known as al-Balak, where the Houthis have launched an unprecedented series of intense attacks to attack military defences.

In Riyadh, the Arab coalition backing Yemeni government forces said on Thursday it had killed 250 Houthis and destroyed 14 military vehicles for militias after thwarting a Houthi attack south of Marib during the past 24 hours. Gave. Granted, the Houthi put forward the number of confirmed losses. Coalition airstrikes in two days 415.

Yemen army commanders on the ground have credited coalition warplanes with thwarting massive Houthi attacks to capture Marib and kill thousands of Houthis since rebels launched their attacks on the city earlier this year. restarted.