Canada job vacancies continue to climb. Most of the job posts are in these sectors

The latest data from Canada showed that vacancies continued to climb to record highs in June this year. Between May and June, job vacancies in the country increased by 3.2% compared to the previous month, with 32,200 more jobs available across Canada.

June’s job vacancy rate coming in at 5.9% – 1% higher than last year’s June – a higher proportion of CanadaAccording to CIC News, the total labor demand (the sum of filled and vacant job positions, which stood at 17.7 million in June) is made up of unfilled jobs.

Here is a list of the sectors with the most job vacancies in Canada

1. As per the latest data, job vacancies The health care and social support sectors are up 40.8% from June last year. There were 149,700 unfinished jobs in this sector in June and the job vacancy rate was 6.3%.

2. In the housing and food sector, there were 171,700 job vacancies in June.

3. The retail business sector saw 15,200 more job vacancies since May, meaning 15.3% more jobs became available for potential employees.

4. In the retail and trade industry, the job vacancies were 114,400.

Job vacancies in the five major Canadian job industries for June 2022:

  • Construction: 89,200 Job Vacancies
  • Construction: 82,800 Job Vacancies
  • Professional, Scientific and Technical Services: 72,200 Job Vacancies
  • Transport & Storage: 49,000 Job Vacancies
  • Finance & Insurance: 41,200 Job Vacancies

In Canada, the unemployment-to-job-vacancy ratio hit a record low of 1.0 in June, meaning there was one unemployed person for every vacant job.

As a result, Canada is considering immigration as an option to add to the country’s workforce to address this problem. The Canadian government is aiming to invite the largest number of its potential permanent residents (with an annual target of 430,000 to over 450,000) between now and 2024.

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