Canadian Defense Minister likely to visit India

New Delhi: Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand is likely to visit India later this year to boost defense and security ties between the two countries. This comes just weeks after Minister Anand spoke on the phone with India’s Defense Minister Rajnath Singh.

According to the people cited above, Minister Anand’s visit is expected to coincide with the deployment of a Canadian naval frigate to the Indo-Pacific.

Canada, which usually deploys two frigates in the region, announced in November 2022 that it would deploy an additional frigate to enhance its defense presence in the Indo-Pacific. In March, HMCS Montreal, a Canadian frigate, departed its home base in Halifax and headed for the Indo-Pacific as part of that pledge. The move reflects actions taken by several European powers such as Germany and Italy to establish their footprints in the strategically important region. Both countries are expected to send more ships to the Indo-Pacific by the end of this year.

Improving defense ties with regional powers, particularly with India, has been a major focus of Canada’s recently released Indo-Pacific strategy. During their bilateral talks in April, Canadian Defense Minister Anand briefed his Indian counterpart about his country’s Indo-Pacific strategy.

According to an official statement about the phone call between Singh and Anand, “the two ministers discussed ways to develop bilateral defense ties, reflecting their democratic ethos and shared interest in Indo-Pacific peace and security.” “

According to the persons cited above, enhanced defense exercises between the two countries will also be a major focus of the bilateral security partnership.

The two ministers also discussed the issue of UN peacekeeping training during their telephonic conversation. While Canada’s exercises with regional powers have been largely naval, the country hopes to boost air and army exercises to modernize and prepare its military.

“Canada will invest $48.7 million to increase Canadian Armed Forces participation in joint exercises with regional allies and partners,” Minister Anand announced in a speech detailing the defense edge for his country’s Indo-Pacific strategy .

New Delhi and Ottawa will also look at enhancing cooperation between the defense ecosystems in the two countries.

“The Defense Minister highlighted that India is an attractive defense manufacturing destination with competitive land and labor costs and two defense industrial corridors. He invited Canadian defense companies to invest and co-produce in India. They will also find value in integrating Indian defense companies into their global supply chains,” according to the statement.

Minister Anand said in a speech, “Canada is a Pacific country, and the Indo-Pacific region is vital to our future.”

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