Cancer in Pets – 10 Symptoms You Shouldn’t Ignore

Last Update: November 12, 2022, 09:38 IST

Pets can develop cancer due to factors related to genetics, environment, or lifestyle.

Pets can develop cancer due to factors related to genetics, environment, or lifestyle.

As a pet parent, receiving news of a cancer diagnosis can be devastating. Pets can develop cancer due to factors related to genetics, environment or lifestyle. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), cancer causes about 50% of deaths in pets over the age of 10. Common types of cancer in pets include: skin, breast, head and neck, lymphoma, leukemia, testicular, colon, and bone. Of our two most common furry friends, dogs get cancer at a higher rate than our feline friends.

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As with hoomans, nutrition and exercise are key to ensuring your pet’s health. Did you know that half of all pet cancer cases can be treated at an early stage? Dr. Sanjeev Rajadhyaksha, Medical Director, Wiggles tells us 10 symptoms that are signs of potential cancer in pets and, if caught early, can save their precious lives.

  1. check for lumps and bumps– Be sure to run your hand over your pet’s body regularly to check for any unusual swelling. These are strong indicators of a possible tumor and the sooner you get them examined by a vet, the better.
  2. ‘odor– Pets do not always smell pleasant, but if the body odor persists for a long time even after bathing, this is a signal to call the veterinarian.
  3. unusual weight lossIf your pet’s weight is changing without any change in diet or exercise, it could be an early sign of cancer.
  4. cough and difficulty breathing– Chronic cough, especially in older dogs, should be checked by a vet ASAP.
  5. sudden anemiaSometimes a tumor bursting causes internal bleeding, causing your dog to collapse suddenly without any outward signs. If this happens, go to the vet as soon as possible.
  6. excessive thirst and urination/defecationIf your pet is consuming excessive water or urinating frequently, it could be a sign of a tumor forming inside the body.
  7. swollen lymph nodesLymph nodes are located in the jaw, shoulders, armpits and back of the legs. Swelling in these areas usually indicates possible cancer in your pet.
  8. dischargeAny type of discharge (blood, pus, etc.) from the natural opening of the body can be a sign of internal health concerns, including a tumor.
  9. loss of stamina– Is your pet getting away from the normal zoom and playtime fast? This can be one of the early symptoms of cancer.
  10. stiffness or swelling– Stiff limbs is a symptom that can often be mistaken for muscle issues, but we suggest getting your pet checked for any tumors.

As a pet parent, worrying about your pet’s health is a never-ending concern. That’s why we firmly believe that knowledge is power. Don’t ignore these early signs as they can help save your pet’s life.

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