Candidates to replace UK PM Johnson in packed race – Times of India

London: Competition to replace British Prime Minister boris johnson The momentum picked up on Sunday as five more candidates announced their intention to run, many with a clean start from lower taxes and Johnson’s scandal-ridden premiership.
Johnson said on Thursday he would resign as prime minister, with many of his lawmakers and cabinet colleagues revolting over his handling of a series of scandals including breaches of lockdown rules at gatherings at his Downing Street office.
Junior Business Minister Penny Mordant officially announced that she was running Sunday, along with Transportation Secretary Grant Shapps, Finance Minister Nadim Zahawi and former ministers Jeremy Hunt and Sajid Javid, who submitted their nominations for leadership to Sunday newspapers. Announced candidacy, nine in total.
“This is a turning point for our country. I believe the next election to a socialist or socialist-led coalition government will be a disaster for Britain,” Mordant said in a statement. “We must win the next election.”
The Conservative Party’s 1922 Committee of Legislators, which grouped all backbench members of parliament, would set precise rules and timetables for the contest in the coming days, and seeks to expedite the process of rounding up the contenders to the final two seats.
Conservative Party members will have the opportunity to vote on the two leading up to the run-off, with results expected at the Conservative Party convention in October and perhaps earlier.
Entering the race, Shapps, Zahvi, Hunt and Javid all promised tax cuts, setting them up against the current favourite, former finance minister Rishi Sunak, whose budget last year saw Britain hit its worst since the 1950s. was earmarked for a large tax burden.
“I believe in a low tax, low regulation, cut-the-red-tape economy,” Shapps told Sky News, adding that he would put together an emergency budget to bring forward a one pence reduction in the income tax rate. , currently planned in 2024. , and refer to reducing the size of the civil service.
“I also want to withhold, or if you prefer, the proposed increase in corporation tax … and (make sure) we cut state costs.”
Hunt, a former foreign minister who came second in the leadership contest in 2019 when Johnson came into office, and Javid, who resigned twice from Johnson’s government, both said they would cut corporation tax by 15% .
Hunt said no Conservative should raise taxes or offer tax cuts without funds. Asked whether tax cuts would raise inflation, Hunt said: “I don’t agree with it when it comes to business taxes.”
“If you stimulate consumer demand, when there is some demand-driven inflation, that risk is there, but we must tolerate inflation. So I would be very careful that the promise of inflation-promoting (tax) cuts Don’t.” Told.
The Mail said on Sunday that Foreign Secretary Liz Truss would begin her campaign on Monday with a promise to cut taxes and deal with the living crises, while one of her main rivals for the role, Defense Secretary Ben Wallace, herself has been rejected. ,