Capsule-shaped pacemaker saves 72-year-old’s life Thiruvananthapuram News – Times of India

Thiruvananthapuram : Doctors kims health In a rare medical procedure, a capsule-shaped pacemaker has been successfully implanted in the heart of a 72-year-old patient. The doctors considered the state-of-the-art equipment to be the ideal option considering the increasing age of the woman and to enable her to be discharged without the long required length of time post-surgery.
“Usually, a large cut is needed below the rib to connect a normal pacemaker. The device is comparatively large, and its cables are called leads which are fixed to the right ventricle,” said a consultant cardiologist at Kims Health. Dr. Praveen SVwho carried out the process.
In the case of a lead-free pacemaker, doctors use it by opening a vein in the patient’s leg with a needle and sending the body to be deposited into the heart. The patient was discharged after 24 hours of observation. news network

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