CBI: NSE scam: CBI accuses former MD, ‘Himalayan Yogi’ – Times of India

New Delhi: CBI Figure. Chargesheet filed on Thursday against Ramakrishna:Former CEO-MD of National Stock Exchange (NSE) and exgroup operating officer Anand subramaniam In a special court “co-location” scam, supporting the widely held suspicion that the so-called Himalayan Yogi, from whom the stock exchange chief would take instructions, was none other than the latter.
The agency has accused Ramakrishna of abusing his position in facilitating the exploitation of the exchange’s server architecture. Sources said the probe revealed that some entities were allegedly given unfair and preferential access to the servers of NSE under the co-location set-up. Both the accused are in jail since their arrest on March 6 and February 25 respectively.
The investigation also revealed that both Ramakrishna and Subramaniam obtained personal gains from the “co-location” scam. Sources said the investigation is still on and supplementary charge sheets will be filed in the coming weeks.
Ramakrishna, who replaced former CEO Ravi Na-ren in 2013, appointed Subramaniam as his advisor and later promoted him to the rank of group operations officer with a salary of Rs 4.2 crore per annum.
This appointment, along with other important decisions, Ramakrishna said, was allegedly directed by an unidentified person whom he claimed was a formless mystical yogi, a formless mystical yogi. Himalaya, This was confirmed in a technical investigation in his email exchanges.
Ramakrishna was in conversation with this yogi, now identified as Subarmanian, who used an email id rigyajursama@outlook. com. The CBI has alleged that the “co-location” was initiated by the NSE during Ramakrishna’s tenure. In this facility, brokers can place their servers within the stock exchange premises to give them fast access to the markets. Many brokers colluded with insiders and misused algorithms for windfall gains. NSE scam: CBI alleges former MD, ‘Himalayan Yogi’