CBI team is facing

Paatan :

The food of Lalu Prasad Yadav, a Union Minister and in the first half of Bihar, should have pre-requisites along with food. Controlled broadcast records of the disturbance on the exterior of the rockbed were included in the haunted press release. Getting spoiled because of a bad team. Tej Pratap Yadav and Rabri Devi had to come out to control the protesting workers, meanwhile, seeing a worker, Rabri Devi got out of control and slapped her.

this also further

A new plan has been drawn up for the new facility. ,

The players and observers of RJD behave like human Kumar. No one will be scared. Neither we, nor him, nor the people of Bihar.”

It was about the transformation of the observer of Bihar and the renown of the RJD, about the change in Bihar.

Also further-

Video : In job case, unlike Lalu Yadav registered in another case