CBSE 10th, 12th Term 1 Result Delayed? Check Expected Date, Steps to Download Marksheet

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) It is expected that the results of class 1 exam for class 10 and 12 will be released soon. The results of both class 10 and 12 are likely to be declared at an interval of few days. However, no official statement has been issued by the board yet. The exam was over in December. More than 30 lakh students are now eagerly waiting for their Term 1 result. Once declared, the results will be available on or

Delay in results can be due to a number of reasons including Changes in the evaluation process. In the middle of the Term 1 exam, the board asked the schools to stop checking the answer sheets of the students on the same day. In addition, several errors were uncovered by students and teachers and there were reports of cheating in exams by a section of schools. Though there is no confirmation on this yet, CBSE will investigate all the allegations before declaring the result.

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Students who are expecting their result can check their result through various platforms online. Let us look at the different ways to check Term 1 results of class 10 and class 12.

CBSE Term 1 Board Exam Result 2021: Through official website

Step 1. Visit the official website of CBSE Result

Step 2. Click on the class for which you want to check the result. Enter the required details like roll number, school or center number, date of birth etc.

Step 3. Click on submit and your result will be displayed on the screen.

CBSE Term 1 Board Exam Result 2021: Through UMANG App

On the result day, the official website of CBSE may not function due to heavy traffic. The same has happened in the past as well. You can use alternate method to check result on UMANG app. The app is easily available for free on the Google Play Store and Apple’s App Store.

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CBSE Term 1 Board Exam Result 2021: Through Digilocker

The Government of India digital platform can also be used to check CBSE Term 1 results. Students can either visit the site or download the app from Play Store or App Store.

Earlier CBSE had announced the exam date for Term Two. CBSE Term 2 exam will start from 26th April. As per the new norms, the board introduced the two-term formula. In Term 1, the questions are objective-based, i.e., multiple choice questions. Students have to choose the correct answer out of four options. Whereas, Term 2 paper is going to be subjective. It will have a mix of multiple choice questions, short answers to long answer questions.

Not just Term 1 board exam, CBSE is also likely to announce the result Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) Soon 2021. There has also been a delay in the declaration of CTET results. Once released, The result will be available on More than 20 lakh candidates had appeared for the exam. The exam was conducted from December 16 to January 13 in two shifts.

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