CBSE 10th English Exam Tomorrow, How To Write Paper To Get Full Marks

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Term 2 board exam has started from today 26th April. Unlike the first term which had multiple choice questions, the second term had a subjective type question-answer format. Tomorrow, there will be an important paper – Class 10 English paper.

According to experts, students should aim to solve the paper neatly. They have to drop a line or two after each question. Use the reading time well and read the questions carefully, says Shweta Tomar, TGT English, Amity International School, Sector 6, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad. A total of 21,16,209 students will appear for CBSE Class 10 English paper tomorrow.

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He further said that students should not leave any question without effort. They also have to adhere to the word limit given for each question. “Underline the keywords. Solve all the questions in a section at once. Break the long answers into shorter paragraphs,” she adds.

Students should avoid careless spelling and grammatical errors at all costs, especially when it comes to English exams. Write the formats and headings carefully wherever necessary. Tomar says, after completing the writing part, revise what you have written thoroughly.

Ahead, Students should always write the answer in clear handwriting. Remember, the font should not be too small or too big. Also, don’t write anything without meaning just to fill the page. Don’t write too slowly for handwriting. Keep the writing speed right from the beginning and maintain it. If you write slowly at the beginning of the exam to maintain good handwriting, you will never be able to finish the paper on time.

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The board has established 7406 examination centers for class 10th. This time, to avoid any malpractices during the examination, CBSE will use advanced data analytics to detect and prevent any irregularities in the academic test. This will help in identifying the examination centers where irregularities are found and the board will take appropriate measures thereafter. it The term comes after several irregularities reported in 1.

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