CBSE 10th Term 1 Result 2022: Meet classmates who topped with 100% marks

“My teacher informed me about my result early in the morning. At first, I couldn’t believe it, because I was giving MCQs exam for the first time, so I was mentally prepared for any kind of result. But seeing a perfect score was mind-blowing,” said 14-year-old Ayushi Jain from Amity International School, Sector 43 Gurgaon, Haryana.

Talking about the new CBSE MCQs exam pattern, CBSE Class 10 Term 1 topper said, “While we have always prepared our exams for subjective type questions, MCQs preparation was a new and exciting challenge.”

ayushi jain

He said, “While preparing for the subjective paper, one has to pay attention to the details which we sometimes overlook.” Ayushi, whose favorite subject is maths, said that it was the support of her teachers that helped her perform so well.

Another student of the same school, who is also Ayushi’s classmate, Sachita Yadav, has also topped the examination. Speaking to News18, Sachika says that today has been a different morning for her as she has been receiving many calls from friends, teachers and family to congratulate her on her good scorecard.

The 15-year-old said, “Just before the Term 1 exam, there was a tragedy in my house, so it was a bit difficult to prepare for the exam, as my parents couldn’t support me. So when we got to know my score So they were very happy.”

Sachika Yadav

Emotional Sachita says, “I saw my dad cry with joy, and that was the happiest moment for me.”

Talking about her school preparations, she said, “Our teachers were available for us to answer our doubts even at night.”

Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Class 10 results for term 1 exam have been declared. The results are available with the schools and will be available to the students of their respective schools. No student will fail in the board exam this year. To check the result, students can download the CBSE Term 1 Result Marksheet using, or which is available online once.

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