CBSE Board Result 2023 soon: 5 yoga asanas to help students deal with stress

It is a stressful time for students across the country. Be it CBSE, ICSE or State Board, students are waiting for the board exam results even as they are planning their education and further career. At times when they are anxious and stressed, yoga can be of great help. “Yoga promotes physical, emotional and mental development in children of all ages. Students’ memory, concentration and focus can increase substantially, making them more productive and eligible for successful leadership roles in the future, Shares yoga and spiritual leader Himalaya Siddha. Letter. Founder of Akshar Yoga Institute. Here are five asanas suggested by him that students can do to keep stress at bay.

Yoga asanas to deal with exam stress

Yoga leader Himalayan Siddha Akshar outlines the following asanas for students who are trying to cope with stress:

1. Padmasana – Lotus Pose

Place your left knee on top of your right thigh. Do the same with your right knee, placing it on top of your left thigh.

2. Padahastasana – Hand to Foot Pose

Inhale and raise your hands up from the standing position. Hold your breath for a second or two before exhaling and bending forward. While doing this asana, your hands should be touching your feet and you should avoid bending your knees.

hand in hand

3. Dandasana (Staff Pose)

Sit and spread your legs out in front of you, and heels together. With a straight spine, place your palms on the floor next to your hips. Also relax your shoulders.


4. Paschimottanasana – Sitting Forward Bend

Begin with Dandasana. While breathing out, empty the air in your stomach. Exhale by bending forward at the hips and resting your upper body on your lower body. As you exhale, lower your arms and grasp your big toes with your fingertips.


5. Sukhasana – Happy pose

Sit straight by placing your palms on your knees and stretching both the legs. Fold the left leg and tuck it inside the right thigh. Fold the right leg in half and press it inside the left thigh.


Surya Namaskar helps in managing stress

Surya Namaskar, or sun salutation, is a scientific sequence of 12 strong yoga positions. Although this exercise is best done in the morning on an empty stomach, it can be done at any time of the day, says Himalayan Siddha Akshar. He says, “Surya Namaskar not only gives the body a full body workout, but it also has a good effect on the body and mind. Regular practice makes one feel energetic, healthy and peaceful throughout the day.”