CBSE Class 10, 12 Board Exam 2022 in November: Know how to prepare for the new pattern

NS CBSE Board Exam 2022 Will be held twice a year. In the change of pattern, the upcoming boards have more focus on MCQs, application-based questions. The exam will be held in two terms And Term-1 exam will be held in November. Students preparing for the board exam will have to make changes in their preparations according to the new exam pattern.

The number of question papers expected to be 40 marks dedicated to MCQs. In the first term, instead of the entire syllabus, only 50% of the total syllabus will be asked. Both the term combined and internal assessment will collectively decide the final marks of the students.

“Since, this is a shift from detailed subjective answers to an objective one, the scope of marks deduction is higher, as a wrong choice does not indicate any marks for the particular answer. Hence clarity is needed to understand the question and then select the correct option,” said Sangeeta Hajela, Principal, DPS Indirapuram.

Sumita Vij, PGT English, Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Vasundhara, Ghaziabad who asked students to make NCERT their best friend, NCERT can help students crack the new paper pattern.

“The MCQs appearing in the board exams will be from the syllabus or NCERT textbook only. Any line of NCERT can be made MCQ questions, so it is very important to read the NCERT text comprehensively. There is no negative marking in CBSE board, therefore, attempt MCQs even if you have no idea about the question. While Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) may seem obvious, you should not rule out the option of interpreting them differently. The question may seem simple at first, but it requires a little more digging to uncover its true meaning,” said Vij, who asked students to adopt quick learning strategies such as mind maps or Quick Grids to remember plots, themes and content. Lessons.

The most common mistake by students is to get confused between similar looking alternatives. Suggesting a way out, Rishika Sharma, Head of School, Khaitan Public School, Ghaziabad said, “Please read all the options carefully, even if you know the answer. Since the options may have some similarities and be confusing at first. If two or more options are found to be the same or correct, try to discuss what could be the reason for this answer to be wrong. If you don’t find any reason or you find less reason before choose right reason. We must practice solving questions during our preparation in the time period of the board exams.”

The board has prepared practice sample papers Based on the new guidelines students can practice on the basis of those sample papers. The final date sheet is also expected to release this month.

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