CBSE Term-1 Board Exam 2022 Date Sheet for Class 10, 12 Tomorrow

The first-time board exams for class 10 and 12 will be conducted offline in November-December and the date-sheet for the same will be announced tomorrow (October 18), Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) Said on Thursday.

The board said that the exam will be of objective type and the duration of the test will be 90 minutes. In view of the winter season, the examinations will start at 11.30 am instead of 10.30 am.

Dividing the academic session, holding two term-end exams and rationalizing the syllabus, was part of the special assessment plan for class 10 and 12 board exams in 2021-22 announced by CBSE in July in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

CBSE is offering 114 subjects in class 12 and 75 in class 10.

“CBSE has to conduct the examination for a total of 189 subjects. If the examination is conducted for all the subjects, the entire duration of the examinations would be around 40-45 days. Hence, to avoid the learning loss of the students, CBSE has decided that the subjects to be offered by it will be divided into two parts – major subjects and minor subjects,” Bharadwaj said.

In 2021, CBSE had to cancel both Class 10 and Class 12 board exams and declare the results using an alternative method, as it was not possible to conduct the exams amid the second wave of COVID-19.

The board’s plan to split the session into two terms came against the backdrop of the pandemic, which forced the cancellation of board exams for some subjects last year and the exams this year altogether.

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