CCB arrests three people for duping people by selling ‘rice pulling’ device

The CCB officials on Monday arrested a gang of three persons involved in the “Rice Pulling” device fraud case.

The accused, Venkataraman, 44, Venkatesh, 47, and Somashekar, 47, used to lure people using a “rice pulling” apparatus claiming to have radioactive properties and magical powers to attract money.

The accused used to take money in advance promising to sell the device and then abscond.

The accused had duped several people in the state and acquired assets including SUVs, gold valuables and cash.

Several complaints of cheating have been registered against the accused in various police stations.

Based on a complaint, the CCB officials took over the investigation and tracked down the accused.

Police officials seized three SUVs, gold valuables and Rs 28 lakh in cash from them.

The accused have been taken into custody for further investigation.