Charles: Princess Charles urges action, not words, at UN climate summit – Times of India

London: prince charles, a lifelong environmentalist who has championed organic gardening and drives one of his cars on white wine and cheese, has urged world leaders to turn the conversation into action at the upcoming UN climate summit.
Queen Elizabeth II’s eldest son and heir, Prince CharlesThe 72-year-old is due to attend events with her 95-year-old mother at the two-week COP26 summit starting October 31 in Glasgow.
But in an interview with the BBC broadcast on Monday, he said he worries world leaders will “just talk”, adding: “The problem is to take action on the ground.”
The UN summit will seek to persuade major developing economies to do more to cut their carbon emissions, and prompt the rich world to spend billions of dollars to help poor countries adapt to climate change. Will do
When asked whether the Prime Minister boris johnsonThe UK government was doing enough on its own against climate change, with Charles responding: “I can’t possibly comment.”
The Prince of Wales expressed sympathy for climate protesters who have been blocking roads in Britain for weeks as part of a campaign to make homes more environmentally efficient.
“I completely understand the frustration,” he said, as the government tries to get tough with the protesters, who have caused a stalemate to crowded traffic with sit-ins and sticking themselves to the tarmac. has made it.
“All these young people feel like nothing is happening, so of course they’re going to be disappointed,” he insisted: “But it’s not helpful, I don’t think, to do it in a way that People should be separated.
“So I totally understand the frustration, the difficulty is how do you direct that frustration in a way that is more constructive rather than destructive.”
Charles, whose highgroove The estate in western England has an entirely organic garden and farm, which has also outlined some of its own work to reduce its carbon footprint, including cutting down on meat and fish.
In 2008, his office revealed that he had converted an Aston Martin car, which he owns, to a biofuel made from whey from additional English white wine and cheese manufacturing.
Other cars in their fleet were adapted to run on biodiesel made from used cooking oil as a way of reducing their carbon footprint.


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