ChatGPT in Azure OpenAI service coming soon: Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella

New Delhi: Microsoft will soon debut ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-powered application capable of completing essays, poems or even a computer code, on the tech giant’s cloud-based Azure OpenAI service, its CEO Satya Nadella announced. Nadella tweeted on Tuesday, “ChatGPT coming soon to Azure OpenAI Service, now generally available, as we help customers apply the world’s most advanced AI models to their business imperatives. “

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Microsoft has allowed its cloud-computing users to preview tech by OpenAI, a startup it is backing. The preview is done through a program Microsoft calls the Azure OpenAI service. OpenAI has released ChatGPT, a text-based chatbot powered by generative artificial intelligence (AI) that generates new content after being trained on large amounts of data.

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Microsoft introduced the Azure OpenAI service in late November 2021 to enable customers to harness the power of generative artificial intelligence models at scale. The application was able to gather its first million users in less than a week after it was introduced. GPT-3 is an autoregressive language model that produces remarkably human-like text.

GPT-3 is one of the world’s largest and most advanced language models, running on 175 billion parameters, trained on Azure’s AI supercomputers. Small and large organizations are applying according to Microsoft startups like MoveWorks to multinational corporations like KPMG. Azure OpenAI service capabilities for advanced use cases such as customer support, optimization, and deriving insights from data using discovery, data extraction, and classification.

“The pace of innovation in the AI ​​community is moving at lightning speed,” said Microsoft, which is said to be excited to be at the forefront of these advances and help more people benefit from them in 2023 and beyond. I look forward to helping.