Chennai indie artist Aira’s ‘Hurricane’ explores heartbreak

Heartbreak is a journey in itself: a journey through the turmoil that this teenage musician masterfully captures

Heartbreak is a journey in itself: a journey through the turmoil that this teenage musician masterfully captures

in two lines storm, Chennai-based Nidhi Srinivasan aka Aira paints a clear picture of complicated heartbreak. As the song progresses, the melody becomes as compelling as the song itself, with a smooth deliberation slowly building up. The teen singer-songwriter’s depth and clarity of thought refuse to waver, as she weaves more details into a picture of two different lovers who are in completely different stages of breakup and healing.

recently released, storm Is Aira’s second single after Golden hour in 2021. Both tracks have been produced by Michael Timothy. a low, soft, pop number, storm Describes turmoil, numbness, and quiet sentimentality with equal degrees of factual acceptance. For 18-year-old Aira, who has been writing songs since the age of 12, the track also represents a change in her creative process: “Unlike my normal writing process, storm There’s a song I’ve been putting together for months on end. For the past year I’ve been revising it constantly, going back and forth before sitting down to record it. So when I finally sat down, I was very decisive about what I wanted to do with the track soundly and lyrically. I knew what I wanted to embody it. ,

It helped, of course, that she broke free this time from all the doubts and anticipation that come with putting out a song for the first time.

Chennai-based indie singer-songwriter Aira. , photo credit: special arrangement

This spontaneity and clarity shine through in the final track, perhaps aided by the fact that the project is entirely Aira’s. From acting in songwriting to shooting creative cover art, she has done everything herself.

It’s been intentional from the start, from the days when “I used to write songs about the hardships of 12 years old, and how hard school life is,” she recalls with a laugh, of which she still has several diaries. , full of songs written years ago.

“Even though I had no real intention of putting my songs out there, I knew that if I ever wanted to, it had to be with my own music. I didn’t know there was a concept of other people writing music for you. So, I did,” she says, that’s it.

However, there is an exception. Aira remembers the first song she ever wrote: “It was a song I wrote with my best friend back in the day, in middle school. We wrote about how we are going to spend our summer vacations. ,

‘Storm’ is now streaming on Spotify.