Chennai man dies in bar dispute, hit on head due to log over in case of drinking alcohol

The workers beat up the youth with sticks after being instigated for refusing alcohol. (Representative)


A 24-year-old man was killed by two bar workers, who beat him on the head with sticks after a brawl with them over his drinking, police said on Saturday.

Police said that both have been arrested.

On Friday, the man walked up to the bar before it opened and ordered a drink. There two laborers said that liquor could be available in the afternoon only when the liquor shop opened, so they tried to pelt stones at them and created a ruckus.

Two laborers hit the youth with sticks. After this his father arrived and took him home.

Soon, the man lay motionless and his father called an ambulance. After examining him, the health workers in the ambulance declared him brought dead.

Police arrested the personnel twice and produced them in the court, from where they were sent to judicial custody.
